Getting Started

AnnotationFramework client is a package for simplifying interactions with HTML services associated with the DynamicAnnoationFramework. Including


annotationframeworkclient.chunkedgraph.ChunkedGraphClient is a client

as well as from downloading meshes from a remote source via CloudVolume which supported a variety of formats, but notably neuroglancer’s precomputed, sharded, and graphene.

To facilitate downloading meshes there is a class meshparty.trimesh_io.MeshMeta which you pass an folder, and/or an cloudvolume path, and a memory cache size.


Here’s an example of downloading a mesh from the publicly available kasthuri2011 dataset. (Kasthuri, Narayanan, et al. “Saturated reconstruction of a volume of neocortex.” Cell 162.3 (2015): 648-661.)

from meshparty import trimesh_io

mm = trimesh_io.MeshMeta(
    cv_path = "precomputed://gs://neuroglancer-public-data/kasthuri2011/ground_truth",
    disk_cache_path = "test_meshes",

# load a segment
mesh = mm.mesh(seg_id = 3710)

# how many vertices and faces do we have
print(mesh.vertices.shape, mesh.faces.shape)

You can also simply specify a path to an existing mesh on disk

mesh = mm.mesh(filename = "path_to_my_mesh.obj")


MeshMeta returns a meshparty.trimesh_io.Mesh which is an extension of the trimesh.base.Trimesh class.

This class provides a few extra properties and functions designed to assist large scale mesh analysis.